Regression in machine learning

Regression in machine learning

Linear Regression in detail

  • Regression is a supervised learning technique that supports finding the correlation among variables

  • A regression problem is when the output variable is a real or continuous value.

  • Regression shows a line or curve that passes through all the data points on a target-predictor graph in such a way that the vertical distance between the data points and the regression line is minimum.

    Types of Regression Models

    1. Linear Regression

    2. Polynomial Regression

    3. Logistics Regression

      Linear Regression

      • Linear regression is a quiet and simple statistical regression method used for predictive analysis and shows the relationship between the continuous variables

      • Linear regression shows the linear relationship between the independent variable (X-axis) and the dependent variable (Y-axis), consequently called linear regression*.*

      • If there is a single input variable (x), such linear regression is called**simple linear regression*.*

      • f there is more than one input variable, such linear regression is called**multiple linear regression.**

|y = mx + b|

  • **y= Dependent Variable.

    x= Independent Variable.

    a0/b= intercept of the line.

    a1 /m= Linear regression coefficient.**

  • A regression line can be a Positive Linear Relationship or a Negative Linear Relationship.

    Positive Linear Relationship

    If the dependent variable expands on the Y-axis and the independent variable progress on X-axis, then such a relationship is termed a Positive linear relationship.

  • Negative Linear Relationship

    If the dependent variable decreases on the Y-axis and the independent variable increases on the X-axis, such a relationship is called a negative linear relationship.